bikrom posted 4 years ago
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What are some academic papers which have been turned into usable products?
Can anyone tell me what are some academic papers which have been turned into usable products?

researcherbook posted 4 years ago
I’ll enlist a few academic papers and their corresponding products in Computer Science, for which the papers came first and then the product was created.

Brin, Sergey, and Lawrence Page. "The anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual web search engine." Computer networks and ISDN systems 30, no. 1-7 (1998): 107-117. - Google Search

Barham, Paul, Boris Dragovic, Keir Fraser, Steven Hand, Tim Harris, Alex Ho, Rolf Neugebauer, Ian Pratt, and Andrew Warfield. "Xen and the art of virtualization." In ACM SIGOPS operating systems review, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 164-177. ACM, 2003. - Amazon Web Services

Lattner, Chris, and Vikram Adve. "LLVM: A compilation framework for lifelong program analysis & transformation." In Proceedings of the international symposium on Code generation and optimization: feedback-directed and runtime optimization, p. 75. IEEE Computer Society, 2004. - LLVM Compiler Infrastructure (the default C, C++ compiler in Mac Laptops)

Graham, Susan L., Peter B. Kessler, and Marshall K. Mckusick. "Gprof: A call graph execution profiler." In ACM Sigplan Notices, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 120-126. ACM, 1982. - Gprof

David A. Patterson and Carlo H. Sequin. 1981. “RISC I: A Reduced Instruction Set VLSI Computer”. In Proceedings of the 8th annual symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA '81). IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, 443-457.- ARM architecture

Fielding, Roy T., and Richard N. Taylor. Architectural styles and the design of network-based software architectures. Vol. 7. Irvine, USA: University of California, Irvine, 2000. - RESTful API (foundation of modern web services)

J. Liedtke. 1995. On micro-kernel construction. In Proceedings of the fifteenth ACM symposium on Operating systems principles (SOSP '95), Michael B. Jones (Ed.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 237-250. - L4/seL4/OKL4 - Deployed in Android (operating system), Apple (company)’s iPhone’s coprocessor, Qualcomm wireless modems.

Chris Hawking posted 3 years ago
They guided me on everything on - how to pay, how to calculate deadline, how to submit order, and how to receive what I want.😍😍😍😍 They asked few questions with details, I relied, and I received perfect paper. Just as I wanted it to look like.💘💯
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