Sumag posted 2 years ago
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A-Z of Open Journal Systems
Open Journal Systems are the open-source software developed by PKP (Public Knowledge Project) for publishing and managing scholarly journals.

Introduction to OJS

It was developed in 2001 to improve research access, and it is the most widely used platform, with over 10,000 journals globally. It simplifies all stages of the e-publishing workflow, from building a journal website to other tasks including editing, submission, archiving, publications, peer-reviews etc.

OJS Installation

Every journal with an OJS application has a unique URL. Thus, a single system installation manages multiple journals, and OJS allows a single editor to work on all the journal and website operations.

So, this was a brief introduction to the OJS user guide. You can seek well-narrated and detailed info on the OJS user guide using the below link:

A-Z of Open Journal Systems - Chapter 1

A-Z of Open Journal Systems - Chapter 2

This user guide covers every corner of the OJS version 3 application. Go through this guide and share your feedbacks or thoughts on it!

Happy learning:)

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